Sunday, February 16, 2020

Individual Personal Reflection Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Individual Personal Reflection Paper - Assignment Example ve learnt that Critical thinking, among other things, makes one think rationally and with more clarity irrespective of the field one is in; education, law, medicine, finance, or management. Critical thinking is a vital component as it enhances problem solving and proper thinking and can thus be termed as an asset. Secondly, it enables a person to have excellent communication skills. It improves language and comprehension abilities by aiding in the analysis of texts. Furthermore, critical thinking leads to self-reflection since we are able to reflect on our values and make proper decisions. With the changing, economic times which is driven by technology and information one needs to be able to effectively deal with these changes. This requires analysis of information thus pushing for intellectual skills, which we have learnt in this course. Since the start of this course, my critical thinking has vastly improved. It has helped me to think rationally and view things from a different perspective. I can now carefully reflect on my principles of reasoning and internalize them therefore, making me apply it in my day-to-day life. I am now in a position to expose fallacies and avoid faulty reasoning. I am able to come up with solutions to problems in a systematic way and prioritize ideas based on their importance. I have also been able to clearly come up with constructive arguments and evaluate them. More so, I am able to break down information into their constituent parts and logically understand the connections, relevance, and importance of these ideas. In the beginning, I was at the stage of unreflective thinker where I was unaware of significant problems in thinking, but so far I have advanced and I am now in the practicing thinker level. I feel I am at this level since I have recognized the need for regular practice in thinking. I am in a better position to solve problems by using the information that I have. However, limited it may be and to further deduce probable

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Understanding the Motives and the Causes of Impulses Into Research Paper

Understanding the Motives and the Causes of Impulses Into International Relationships - Research Paper Example In the process of sharing these common resources and with the self-satisfaction tendency of individuals, there is need to put up mechanism to regulate self-centeredness of each individuals and to ensure that natural human rights – right to liberty, to life and to property – do not conflict with the similar rights for others in the same society. This mechanism is what constitutes politics and when it succeeds in its quest to preserve the natural rights of individuals under it while maintaining peaceful coexistence, then we may say that it is a legitimate political authority. Because the public is vulnerable to perpetuating individual interests, which may infringe into the rights of others, the conception of political legitimacy so that it fulfils its obligations cannot be left to the public. On this account, the legitimate political authority can be entrusted into the hands of philosophers who have the mental ability to conceive the best political order. Legitimacy in po litics qualifies the virtue of political institutions and political decisions on laws and policies. Philosophers are believed possess to the highest understanding of principles of nature and can be trusted to concoct the best political order. The philosophers’ in-depth analysis of concepts can evaluate the validity of claims and general discourse. With the limitation of human beings in terms of thinking and diversity in understanding and conception of ideas, philosophers too face the greatest threat of conceiving illegitimate and unethical political systems.